Fluid Flow


  • Explored the principles and behavior of fluid mechanics in engineering systems.
  • Key for designing and managing systems like reactors, pipelines, and separators.
  • Provided insights into the practical challenges and solutions in fluid transport and control.

Organic Chemistry 1&2 and Lab


  • Covered the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds.
  • Essential for understanding the behavior of organic substances in industrial processes.
  • Relevant to fields such as pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and polymer production.
Orgo Photo

Separation Processes


  • Principles and applications of key separation techniques in chemical engineering.
  • Covers distillation, absorption, extraction, and membrane separation.
  • Emphasis on design and optimization of separation units.
Distillation Photo

Chemical Engineering Lab 1&2


  • Hands-on experience with diverse chemical engineering operations and processes.
  • Focuses on developing skills in experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
  • Emphasizes understanding of unit operations, process control, and safety protocols.
ChemE Lab 1&2 Photo

Physical Chemistry Class/Lab


  • Exploration of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and kinetics in chemical systems.
  • Application of physical chemistry principles to real-world problems and experimental data analysis.
  • Lab component includes experiments on spectroscopy, calorimetry, and reaction kinetics.
Physical Chem Photo